Event / Sightseeing flights

15.-24.10.2023 – Exploring eastern Canada

15th October 2023 – Flight from Calgary (CYYC) to Cold Lake (CYOD), via Edmonton  




17th October 2023 – Cold Lake (CYOD) to Churchill (CYYQ)




17th October 2023 – Cold Lake (CYOD) to Churchill (CYYQ)








19th October 2023 – Churchill (CYYQ) to La Grande Riviere (CYGL)








21st October 2023 – La Grande Riviere (CYGL) to Caniapiscau / Fermont (CCP6), with Akiminski Island







21st October 2023 – Caniapiscau / Fermont (CCP6) to Montreal (CYMX), with Quebec








24th October 2023 – Montreal (CYMX) to Toronto (CYYZ), with Ottawa














Map of the complete event flight „Exploring eastern Canada“

